Turnock Precinct is Gales 20 hectare site located adjacent to the bustling Kingscliff Town Centre. Its eastern part is 200 metres from Kingscliff Beach. Turnock Precinct is excepted to host about 600 new dwellings enabling over 1000 people to join the thriving Kingscliff community. Dwellings will be a mix of shop top residential, residential flat buildings, low density and small lot and terrace housing.
Turnock Precinct is zoned R1 General Residential and has been approved to the filled. The site is subject to a 2024 L&E Court appeal regarding the type of fill that will be used to fill the site.
Turnock Precinct - Extracts from DCP 2020
'Turnock Street will be a tree line boulevard with pedestrian and cycle pathways along its length. Land uses will be a combination of medium density housing types as well as opportunity for town centre expansion to the east.'
'The opportunity to create shaded tree lined public domain areas with a widened pedestrian footpath embellished with street furniture and areas for outdoor dining.'